About Us – Steeped in History
On the 30th August 1949, the first meeting of the 3rd Warrington (1st Newchurch) Scout Group was held in a small theatre in Newchurch Hall. Eight months later, the Wolf Cubs started – with six boys and a Cub Mistress. They continued to meet in the theatre until October 1950, when the Group moved to Newchurch Parish Hall and met every Tuesday evening.
In the mid-1950s, the Scout Group moved to their own venue on Jackson Avenue, using a wooden Nissen hut left over from the war years. In the early 1980s, the Group’s name was changed to ‘1st Culcheth’, so that it covered the whole of the village. In 1984, the Beaver Scout colony for 6–8 year olds was added to our existing Cub and Scout Sections.
The Nissen hut continued to be used until April 1990, when a new, purpose-built Scout Centre was opened, with a large hall and two smaller meeting rooms. Our Group has gone from strength to strength ever since.
We are rightly proud of our Scout Group’s contribution to our local community during our 70+ years.